Harry Adams' Victory Over The Sun

Come join us and celebrate
Harry Adams’

Harry Adams Victory Over the Sun 2019 122  91.5 cm.jpeg

Eagle Gallery
159 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3AL


Open Studio
L-13 Light Industrial Workshop
31 Eyre Street Hill, London EC1R 5EW

Private View Thursday 11th July
At Eagle Gallery between 6:30-8:30pm
At L-13 between 7:30-9:30pm

All welcome, no RSVP necessary

With the title taken from the crazed 1913 Futurist Opera for which Kazimir Malevich made his first Black Square painting, the exhibition features new paintings and monotype silkscreens that continue Harry Adams' musings on apocalyptic romanticism.

Sun you bore the passions
And scorched them with flaming beam
We’ll yank a dusty coverlet over you
Lock you up in a concrete house!

Exhibition continues
12th July - 9th August 2019

L-13 studio visits by appointment
